Sunday, October 30, 2011

Unforfeited Grace

The name of this blog comes from Jonah 2:8
Those who cling to worthless idols
forfeit the grace that could be theirs.

Yes, I do realize that "unforfeited" isn't (strictly speaking) a word.  But I believe in beginning as you mean to go on, at least when it suits my purposes, and so I've made up a word to try and make this verse blog-friendly (also, it seemed like a good idea to introduce you to the parentheses early on as I'm kind of addicted to them).

The book of Jonah has helped me through some of the darkest, hardest times in my life and this verse seems to sum up pretty well where I frequently miss the mark in my Christian walk as well as what I'm actually missing (GRACE) when I choose the things of this world to soothe/numb/distract myself instead of turning to Him and His Words for comfort.  I actively choose to forfeit grace each day.  Sadness.  

However, I'm hoping that naming my blog Unforfeited Grace will help me to remember what is actually at stake in decisions I make each day (um...and maybe help me to remember the grace that is extended to me even when I make the wrong choices).  And, hopefully, it will also help remind  me not to talk only about books, movies, recipes, and culture here.

But if you want to know what the blog will be about, it will be about a lot of things just mentioned: book reviews, movie reviews, favorite recipes, reactions to our culture, general things I think are cool, and hopefully some insights on what the Lord is doing in me and through me.

This blog will not include lots of pictures of little children (as I have none) or do it yourself home projects/decorating tips (as I basically do everything within my power to avoid those).  Caveat: it may occasionally include knitting projects as that's the one crafty thing I do.

I hope that it makes you laugh or makes you think or is at least worthwhile enough to kill a few minutes at work reading it.  Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Love that you have a blog! Miss you. I was just thinking that it's time I update my blog...this inspires me to do it tonight.

  2. Yipee! Can't wait to follow the musings of Jen.
