Saturday, December 10, 2011

Just Give it Away

As has been previously mentioned, I work for a missions agency.  One of my responsibilities is to help train missionaries in developing a support team (formerly known as support raising) and to help coach/encourage/commiserate with them through that process.  Even though the 5 years I spent living off of support have passed, I still spend a lot of time thinking and learning about this whole phenomenon.

One of the reasons that I help with the support raising training at MTW is because of how much I love this whole crazy, messy process.  Don't get me wrong, I'd be pretty much scared to death if God called me back into that for full-time ministry, but there are so many things I adore about this process.

1. Being surprised and totally humbled - resources come from the least expected places.  Seeing friends and even strangers give so generously and sacrificially brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart in a way that few other things have.

2. Relying on God's faithfulness in new ways - one thing you realize about DST (developing a support team) is that you're so not in control.  You can send letters, and write blogs, and post updates, and call folks, and make fancy powerpoints or whatever that crazy stuff you can do on ipads is, and pray, pray, pray (the most important component) until the end of time, but NO MONEY is going to come in if the Lord's hand isn't in it.  I think DST was the best training I could have had for growing the kind of day to day, minute by minute dependance on the Lord that is necessary to survive on the mission field.  

3. Being confronted with my sin - few things reveal my sin like raising support.  How I expect God to respond immediately to my efforts. How my mood is measured by how much money came in that day (and by mood I mean "how I feel about God that day"). How I'm grossly judgmental as in "I know how much you go out to eat, you could totally give more to missions" - blech.  God has continuously used this process to refine the tar out of me.

However, now I'm a full time worker and committed US church attender.  I love, love, love being part of the sending team.  I wish I could do so much more to help support my friends and co-laborers who are obeying the call to expand the Church to the ends of the earth, but I'm thankful for what I can do and for the ways God is refining and blessing me on this side of the equation.

God has given me an amazing crash course in the blessings of being a giver, donor, sender, supporter, team member (whatever you want to call it!) this week.  For months and months I'd been wanting to be able to start giving to some pretty cool folks that God is using in pretty cool ways.  Instead of praying about it faithfully and really seeking the Lord, I'd been looking to my budget and bank accounts and planning that when this happens or such and such lines up, or I finally don't have to pay all this medical crap, I'll be able to start giving to these folks.

However, 8 months later, there's still no change and I want so very, very much to be a part of what God is doing through these folks.  In a moment of frustration last week, I was finally like "Screw this" (sometimes the conversations in my head involve less than polite language... sometimes the ones not in my head, too. :), I'm sick and tired of waiting for things to "line up" before I start giving.  There's no end in sight to these medical expenses, fears about car problems, potentially buying new furniture, etc.  I can't give much but I'm going to go ahead and start giving this piddly little amount and hope that I can increase it at some point in the future.

I was so excited to finally fill out my bank info and begin to regularly support these folks.  I knew that even though my gift is small, it was going to be a blessing and encouragement to my friends and to the people to whom they'll be ministering.  I didn't entirely know where the money was going to come from, but I was just so thankful that I'd finally stepped out and done this.

And, you know what?  God, who is so insanely, sweetly, unfailingly good to me, turned around blessed my socks off.  The very next day I was talking to a pretty awesome person who said that they really wanted to step in and help lift the load of some of my medical expenses for the next few months.  What an amazing blessing!!!  It lifted such a burden to know that there would be help in facing the overwhelming task of meeting my out of network deductible twice in two months.

So this week, I was like - well, that went so very well last week and there are so many I know who need the church to come alongside them and help fulfill God's call.  I thought that maybe I could step out again and give another little baby amount to start supporting another family's ministry.  Once again, it was such sweet fun to fill out that online form and know that this gift was going to bring smiles, hope, and encouragement to more friends, and even more than that, to bring more souls to the kingdom.  And once again, there was trepidation about not knowing exactly where this going to come from.

And, you know what?  Once again, the Lord surprised me with such a super sweet blessing.  I had submitted an appeal to my insurance company months ago and it did not look promising that it would go through.  However, the very next day, a refund deposit appeared in my account, which meant that the subsequent appointments would be paid as well.  What an encouragement!!  I immediately set up a bill pay to pay off the ole credit card (cause I'm one of those bad Christians who occasionally uses a credit card for medical expenses and the like).

I share this not to preach any type of health and wealth gospel (especially since that's more of a curse word in Reformed circles than the actual curse words), but to proclaim God's faithfulness to a girl who kept trying to figure it all out on her own, but when she stopped and stepped out in faith to help the Kingdom, was given the two-fold blessing of participating in missions and of being reminded that He cares for me, and He will not leave or forsake me.

So, if you have any tug on your heart to give, I would encourage you to do so.  It has been immeasurably rewarding to me to see God's care for both the missionary and myself in this process.  And, if you need some suggestions on where to give, I could probably connect you with a missionary or two.  ;)


  1. wow, i totally needed to hear this. that is not the first nudge i've felt recently and now i need to go follow through on it. thanks!

  2. Wow, this was totally great. I haven't really even had time to think about all I've been learning in the support raising process, but the part you said about me seeing my sin is a definite yes. It was great to read this and reflect on my own experience. I have also felt so humbled many times throughout it, which has been so super cool.

  3. such sweet blessings! what an answer to prayer with the insurance company. thanks for sharing your thoughts. i'm totally passing this on to my sis and bil, they are just weeks away from when they need to leave for the field, but still waiting on the rest of support/visas. i know this will be an encouragement to them.
