Here are a few of the things that I've been distracting myself with on youtube lately.
1. This one I discovered via a link on another blog (It's Almost Naptime). Great blog -definitely recommend it. And I'm thankful to Missy for introducing me to these great covers by Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers. They sing covers in the van in between gigs. This Buddy Holly one is definitely my favorite! We grew up on Buddy Holly in my house and this brings me back to Saturday mornings dancing around the record player.
2. Next up - a shout out to my China peeps! We watched this video quite a few times at the retreat last week. Hilarious if you've ever tried speaking Chinese - and likely any other foreign language. The intro doesn't have subtitles (it's funny because he says the wrong tone implying he's tired instead of asking for a certain kind of food - ha ha). Anyway, the rest of the song does have subtitles, although I had to delete the advertisement box at the bottom in order to read them. Language learning aside, they're a pretty good band!
3. Finally, I heart Aaron Sorkin, like big time. West Wing is my favorite TV show of all time and the first 3 seasons are maybe the best television ever. I'm so stinking excited for his new show on HBO - The Newsroom. Of course, it's on HBO, so I won't be watching live, but still, it looks so much better than his last show (poor Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip). Here's the trailer (warning: it's HBO so there is a dirty word).
Bonus: Here's a perk since all these fun West Wing clips pulled up when I finished watching the trailer. Ainsley Hayes was probably my favorite character on West Wing. I was devastated when Emily Procter left such a great role to stare at hair follicles with a perplexed expression on CSI: Miami. It's hard to choose just one clip, but this is one of my favorites and has Leo and Margaret - more favorites! (who am I kidding? They're all my favorite)
1. This one I discovered via a link on another blog (It's Almost Naptime). Great blog -definitely recommend it. And I'm thankful to Missy for introducing me to these great covers by Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers. They sing covers in the van in between gigs. This Buddy Holly one is definitely my favorite! We grew up on Buddy Holly in my house and this brings me back to Saturday mornings dancing around the record player.
2. Next up - a shout out to my China peeps! We watched this video quite a few times at the retreat last week. Hilarious if you've ever tried speaking Chinese - and likely any other foreign language. The intro doesn't have subtitles (it's funny because he says the wrong tone implying he's tired instead of asking for a certain kind of food - ha ha). Anyway, the rest of the song does have subtitles, although I had to delete the advertisement box at the bottom in order to read them. Language learning aside, they're a pretty good band!
3. Finally, I heart Aaron Sorkin, like big time. West Wing is my favorite TV show of all time and the first 3 seasons are maybe the best television ever. I'm so stinking excited for his new show on HBO - The Newsroom. Of course, it's on HBO, so I won't be watching live, but still, it looks so much better than his last show (poor Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip). Here's the trailer (warning: it's HBO so there is a dirty word).
Bonus: Here's a perk since all these fun West Wing clips pulled up when I finished watching the trailer. Ainsley Hayes was probably my favorite character on West Wing. I was devastated when Emily Procter left such a great role to stare at hair follicles with a perplexed expression on CSI: Miami. It's hard to choose just one clip, but this is one of my favorites and has Leo and Margaret - more favorites! (who am I kidding? They're all my favorite)
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