Sunday, October 7, 2012

Gratitude 83-112

83. Fall candles!!  Pumpkin and cinnamon smells wafting through my house

84. The return of TV shows!

85. A Tivo so that I can watch those TV shows with no commercials on my own schedule

86. Brunch with Mom & Doug as they swung through town

87. That it's cool enough to wear PJ bottoms at night now (by "night" I obviously mean from the second I get home from work onward).

88. Trader Joe's

89.  Trader Joe's chili cornbread thing that is so yummy and perfect for fall

90.  Community group starting again

91.  Getting to teach Sunday School to awesome K-1 kiddos

92.  That we get to pray a lot where I work.  It's actually encouraged.

93.  For days cool enough to walk in the park.

94. And also for rainy days like this where I'll hit the gym, have some soup, and curl up in PJs (with TV or books!)

95. For much improvement in my health

96.  For all the people all over the world that have been praying for my health for the past 2.5 years.

97.  Boots.

98. When the missionaries I work with ask for me for prayer requests

99. And then follow up and ask me about those same things the next time we talk.  (I have a former team leader who said she was so thankful when I would ask during our meetings each week how I could pray for her and I so totally, totally get that now).

100.  The new Mumford & Sons

101.  The new Avett Bros

102.  But the new Mumford & Sons more

103.  But seeing the Avett Bros live.

104. A new "hand me down" TV that is so nice and pretty

105.  Super duper nice neighbors who help me when my car won't start.

I started this list of mostly fun/silly/playful things that I'm thankful for a few days ago.  And while I am thankful for those little things that make life a little lighter, on such a deeper level I'm also thankful for

10-6. The birth date of precious Zoe Claire

107. Who lived her 2 hours under the fullest, sweetest love and adoration two parents could offer

108.  Who is home

109. Forever

110. Who will know no more tears or sadness or pain of this fallen, broken world

111. Who I will one day meet

112. When I meet my savior

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