Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How You Can Pray for the Trip to Asia

Here are some prayer requests for our trip to work with anti-trafficking ministries in Asia.

Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much your interest, encourage, prayers, and support for this trip to work with anti-trafficking ministries in Asia. I am so thankful for each of you!!

We leave on tomorrow! I can hardly believe the time has already come. Here are some ways that you can be praying for me and my time if you'd like. Our trip is Nov 13-23, so please think of those during those dates.

HUGE Praise!!!
All of my financial support came in! So thankful for God's provision in this.

Prayer Requests:
One member of our team was in a car accident this past weekend. She's fine but suffering from whiplash and soreness and the doctor has said she shouldn't travel which is disappointing for all of us. She'll be missed on our team, so please pray for her healing and comfort during this time.

Good health - that we would be protected from stomach bugs and colds and be able to participate fully in the trip.

Focus - the topic we'll be dealing with is hard, and I would love your prayers to help us focus on what we're there to do. Pray that logistics would go smoothly, that things would be fine on the homefront, and that jetlag wouldn't set us back, so that we can be fully engaged in what's ahead of us.

Logistics - one of our appointments with a ministry has fallen through (IJM - sooo disappointing), so please pray that we would trust God with the schedule and we would participate in exactly what He wants us to do.

Open hearts and minds for each of us as we process this difficult issue and what it looks like for each of us to be involved in the issue of human trafficking

Relationships - we're putting 10 women together who don't know each other, so please pray for good friendships to develop and for us to enjoy one another.

Host teams - our amazing MTW teams in Cambodia and Thailand have put together great schedules for us - we are so thankful for them and all the work that they've done in preparation of sharing their labors with us.

For truth and light and hope to prevail. Please pray that there would be freedom for captives - those being trafficked, those who sell trafficking victims, and those who buy them.  All of these groups need hope in their lives.

Thank you so, so much!!


P.S. Two great resources for those who are interested in learning more

1. In Our Backyard by Nita Belles is a book I'm currently reading and seems to be a great Christian perspective on all the different types of trafficking going on throughout the US. She also has some great resources for getting involved - no matter how little or much you want to be engaged.

2. When the Saints by Sara Groves is a fantastic song that is always such an encouragement to me, particularly about this issue.