Sunday, November 6, 2011

Things I Love About My Church

My church is awesome.  I love so very many things about All Souls Fellowship (which is actually PCA although it sounds like it might be a nice little Anglican place).  Today I am going to share 2 of my favorite things.  

Thing 1 - I LOVE that when I'm in the teacher supply room getting ready for Sunday school in the morning that it's me and like 7 dads sorting through construction paper.  This is for little kids Sunday school, not middle, youth, college, whatever.  It's for the toddlers through elementary.  This morning our large group (K- grade 3) consisted of me and three awesome dads (who are regular teachers, not just subbing for their wives).  I love that ministering to the covenant children at our church is truly a church-wide endeavor - married, single, male, female, even some whole families who teach together!  And I love that these kids get to see strong male role models both living out their faith in this way and directly speaking into these precious little lives.

Thing 2 - I HEART communion.  I mean big time.  Like "pull yourself out of bed and go to church 20 minutes late so as not to miss communion" big time.  This may mean I have some faulty theology regarding the role/effects of communion OR it may just mean that I understand it really, really well (for obvious reasons I prefer the latter train of thought).  Maybe it's because I grew up Catholic and I have a residual love for some of those "high church" things.  I LOVE that my church serves communion every week.  EVERY WEEK I need that physical, tangible reminder of God's grace, of His love, of my utter lostness and utter redemption, and of the fact that I am not alone in this. Every. Single. Stinking. Week.  And today  (guys I'm so excited about this I might start squealing), I got to help administer communion. I'm not sure if "administer" is the right word, but it sounded better than "be a bread holder girl".  This is actually a vital role in our church because each person comes forward and tears a piece of bread off of a common loaf and so you really have to pull hard when people are tearing their piece of bread, but not so hard that when they let go their hand goes flying up and whacks them in the nose.  And, of course, it's also vital in that you're offering to them the representative symbol of our Lord's body broken for us.  All that to say that I love communion every week, but that it was a particularly special communion day for me.   


  1. Love this Jen. Thanks for sharing! I just started attending an Anglican church and had my first experience ever with a woman helping to administer communion. When she held the cup for me, I almost started crying. I love love love that there are churches where women can have a tangible role in this sacrament. And they serve communion every week as well...and I totally understand what you were saying about it being a pull yourself out of bed (although my service is at 5pm!) and make it to church just so you can be a part of communion :-) Yay for you having a blog and I look forward to reading many more posts!

  2. I am with on communion. I hate to miss it when I am serving in the nursery. It is an amazing end to our service.
