Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gratitude 51 - 82

51. the Lumineers

52. the Word of God

53. that He's writing it on my heart

54. song lyric "you're like a Sunday morning, full of grace and full of Jesus"

55. skype

56. great strides toward healing of an ailment I've walked the last 2 1/2 years with

57. Jesus Calling

58. community garden

59. color that conceals roots

60. new paint on my walls

61. fabulous parents (who did a lot to help with the above walls)

62. Mi Taco

63. the Olympics

64. air conditioning

65. the Holy Spirit

66. pay day

67. an interlude with a house to myself

68. that His mercy is new each day

69. vacation with sweet friends on the horizon

70. sitting in front of a fan to journal

71. guys who plan dates

72. my physical therapist

73. my doctor in Charlotte

74. Amitriptyline

75. itunes

76. carpooling

77. a car that works

78. cranberry chocolate spread from Montreal

79. bit torrenting

80. being reminded of the practice of being thankful

81. that the next decision I make doesn't have to be the same as the last

82. that sometimes it's OK to skip the gym and have a cheesestick and ice cream for dinner


  1. I am really really happy about #56. I love #63 and it brings back great memories of watching the Olympics during the hurricanes! And I am curious about #71?? Love you.

  2. you painted your walls! i really should come visit. i was just thinking about you today! hope all is well.
