Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whatcha up to?

What are you reading?
I just last night finished The Book Thief by Markus Zusak which was fantastic.  The unique POV took a little getting used to, but I loved the book even if I did sit in my chair and sob for 5 minutes near the end.  Books about Germany during WWII have that tendency. 

I immediately (well, after mopping up the tears and debating whether I had any "happy" books) started a new book I received for my birthday this year.  It's called Call the Midwife and the BBC/PBS series is based on these memoirs by Jennifer Worth.  I only read the intro, but am definitely looking forward to digger deeper into this one.

What are you watching?
Downton Abbey Season 3. Duh.  Let's see, what else... I love Parenthood and am getting into Nashville.  I know it's intentionally soap opera-y and dramatic, but I'm still hooked.  I have a love/hate relationship with the way they seem to take news out of the headlines and tweak it a bit. Part of me is like "be more original for crying out loud" and then part of me is like "oh, so he's kind of supposed to be Tim Tebow, and she's doing a Renee Zellweger/Kenny Chesney type thing."

I'm watching a lot of movies because it's Oscar season, though.  My favorite so far is definitely Silver Linings Playbook.  I've seen it twice in the theater already and can't wait to own so I can watch it after doing things like reading books on Germany and the Holocaust.  

I feel like most of the other movies I've seen have been really good, but just a tad too long.  Get those folks some editors!!  

Hobbit? Good. Just a bit too long.  Sweeping vistas and all are nice and New Zealand sure is pretty, but I've also got to pee.  

Life of Pi?  Good, although I had a different grasp of the ending in the movie than when I read the book.  Maybe I just don't remember it well, but I feel like even though the words/scenes were the same at the end, Ang Lee tweaked things to make the meaning come out slightly different.  Also, just a tad too long.  

Zero Dark Thirty?  Very good.  Very intense.  Very torture-y right from the get go which was hard to jump right into (although, really, when is it easy to watch torture?)  Now I'm very conflicted about having a bit of a crush on a guy I saw torture people.  I felt like it was a really even-handed account. Lots of suspense. Great performances.  Also, I was surprised to note the similarities between Pakistani and Chinese interior decorating choices - I swear I had that same washing machine in China.  With that giant range of mountains between the two countries, it's easy to forget that they border one another. 

Les Mis? I read a lot of bad stuff about it before going, so I feel like I still had many of those thoughts in my head as I watched.  It was good.  I just had such high hopes.  I feel like there definitely was a lot more they could have taken advantage of.  For example, Anne Hathaway's stunning solo had so much story going on with it as well.  All the other solos are close-ups of people singing and walking or standing or riding a horse - I feel like the story that could have developed during those solos was a lost opportunity.  I do look forward to seeing it again with a more open heart/mind.  Also, once again, just seemed a tad too long.

Lincoln?  Stunning.  My 2nd favorite of the season.  It was like an episode of The West Wing taken back in time but with REAL HISTORICAL people!!  (sidenote: Bartlett for President!!)  Daniel Day Lewis was stunning.  I mean, he totally was Lincoln.  Now, whenever I read a Lincoln quote (which have been prolific lately between the movie and our current president and fighting modern-day slavery) I hear it Daniel Day Lewis's voice.  

What am I eating?
Lots of yummy recipes lately which I'll try to post/link to later.  Last week I made turkey sausage with white beans and kale - yum!  A coworker tried the recipe with her family and her son (who is a chef) said it was really similar and almost as good as something they make (at his fancy restaurant).  Also appreciate my new oven mitt from Anthropologie courtesy of the family gift exchange - thanks, Meg!

This week I'm eating off (the joy of being single, one recipe and you have food for a week - better like leftovers) a quiche which is a long-loved recipe from the Wycliffe recipe book.  Basically, a pie crust, cheese, eggs, milk and whatever kind of meats and veggies happen to be hanging out in the fridge.  It's a great way to use a lot of random leftover type things (half a pepper, one stalk of broccoli, etc.)

And I'm also enjoying BBQ turkey meatloaf - super yummy!  And easy (which you may have noticed is a theme with my recipes).  I got green beans to go with it and I just have to say that after growing my own green beans last summer, store-bought ones now basically make me want to spit them out of my mouth.  Looking forward to spring and planting new veggies!!

What am I listening to?
The new Taylor Swift album.  Like incessantly.  Like I'm a 12 year old girl (which works out fine since I use the word "like" overabundantly like a 12 year old girl as well).  

Atlanta radio stations pretty much suck at the moment, so if you've found a good one, let me know!!

I'd love to hear your answers to these questions!  If you end up sharing, please post a link in the comments so we can get good ideas from you!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Double Dog Dare Done!!

This post is a little late in coming but no less worthy of celebration because I DID IT!!!  I went a whole year without shopping retail!!!  And even occasionally got complimented on an outfit. :)

History of this dare if you're not familiar -
Post 1 - The Dare
Post 2 - The Cheat
Post 3 - The Homestretch

How I Did It -
1. Stopped going in clothing stores.  Rather obvious but still for some reason surprisingly helpful. :)

2. Losing weight, at least enough to go down a size in the store in my closet which was kind of like having new clothes except better because they're free and recognize an accomplishment (except not better once you get so sick of them and hate them and wonder why you ever bought them to begin with but they're the only pair of pants you have to wear now).

3. Gifts - hand me downs from friends or family who decided they didn't want something were the biggest boon to my wardrobe - particularly one adorable White House/Black Market cardigan that I love.

Things I Learned
1. I still make the same shopping mistakes at thrift stores.  The good news is that the mistakes tend to be cheaper, but I can't return it if I don't end up wearing it after a month.

2. The danger with ONLY shopping consignment or thrift was that I was so excited if something fit/seemed halfway decent that I would definitely buy it even if I didn't love it.

3. I did learn where the thrift/consignment stores were, so hopefully that will help me go there more in future.

4. Sometimes I just want to buy something.

Shopping Again
1. Initially I was totally freaked out by the thought of going back to the mall.  It all seemed so overwhelming.  And loud.  And bright.  And then I realized I'd become 80-years old.  Or my dad.

2. But the lure of new things pulled me in.  And I realized I had no concept of current style at all.  It all seemed...ugly.  Probably canceling the Glamour subscription the same year I hardly stepped foot in a store had drawbacks as well as positives.  This feeling rather reminded me of coming home from Asia (You mean, those pointy-toe shoes I made fun of in China are actually POPULAR in the US, too?!?!? I no longer know which end is up!)

3. But then I realized there were choices, like of sizes, and if I liked something I could keep looking until I found one that fit.  That's fun.

4. And I realized after not spending much money on this for a year that I was hesitant to part with money for clothes.  So that made things easier in that anything over $15 didn't even really get a second glance. I'll enjoy that for as long as it lasts.

Overall, I think it was definitely a worthwhile endeavor.  I saved some money.  I learned to be more content with what I have and look ever deeper into the closet and drawers.  I learned to deny myself some things.  Also, I reconditioned myself to walk to the back of Target through the center aisle rather than meandering past all the clothes.

I considered repeating the dare again this year with something else.  What if I didn't buy any new books but only used the library and books loaned from friends or from paperbackswap for a whole year?

Then I had a heart attack.

And when I was revived a laughed a bit in a frightened sort of a way and promised never to think that thought again.  

Gratitude 113- 137

113. That I get to start marking thankfulness in January of 2013 with gratitude 113!!

114. For my physical therapist

115. Three day weekends

116. Breakfast of macadamia nut pancakes with fresh bananas and blueberries mixed in, turkey bacon, and fresh fruit

117. Clear, sunny skies and cool weather

118. A job that challenges me

119.  Let's be honest, a job at all

120. Encouragement to live and serve with reckless abandon - http://johngunter.net/singleness/

121. Chocolate

122. Lazy Saturdays

123.  Good books - currently reading The Book Thief

124. And looking forward to starting Call the Midwife

125. The big surprise of an ipad (even if it is the biggest time suck known to man)

126. Fresh flowers from a friend in my kitchen (ok, I so wanted to change this to foyer because...)

127. Alliteration - I love it!!

128. And Parallelism

129. New possibilities on the horizon

130. Skype

131. Skyping with bride to be trying on wedding dresses in another state

132. Skyping with bride to be after scouting locales in another country

133. Fixing car problems myself (take that coolant leak and power steering fluid!)

134. The thought of travel

135. Learning each day more and more of what it means to Trust God

136. And the peace and contentment that flow from that

137. Planning goals for the next year

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012 Reflection

2012 Reflection
-I saw this on another blog and thought I'd try it out.  A fun way to reflect!  (and, uh, maybe get back into blogging)

1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
Start a compost bin
Go to a painting class
Shoot a handgun at a shooting range
Paint a room in a house I’m living in! (and by "me" I obviouslly mean my super awesome step-dad!)

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I make a list of goals for the year.  Some I met.  Some I at least made progress towards.  Some God provided without much effort on my part.  And some I essentially ignored.  I did dare myself not to buy clothing retail for the year and I succeeded at that – thrift and consignment for a whole year!

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? 
A dear friend gave birth at 20 weeks to a baby girl who lived for about an hour

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, but I witnessed the sorrow of many others this year. 

5. What countries did you visit?
Hong Kong

6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
Better discipline at writing
Better dates

7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The 2012 Summer Olympics
June 18 when my health problems turned around 

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
No shopping (for clothes)
Success at work

9. What was your biggest failure?
Compost bin

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
My ongoing health problems, but great strides were made this year (finally!!! after 2.5 years)

11. What was the best thing you bought?
New bedding
A weekend of training on how to fight sex-trafficking

12. Where did most of your money go?
books (that Kindle just makes it too easy!) 

13. What did you get really excited about? 
4 engagements of close friends!!
Lazy vacations

14. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Anything on the Lumineers album

15. Compared to this time last year, are you: – happier or sadder?happier!  Seeing progress with my health has been such an encouragement! 

– thinner or fatter?thinner!!  Not as thinner as my goals had stated, but starting the year with less weight than the previous year is always a win 

– richer or poorer? I think my retirement account is richer, but the rest of me is probably poorer.  Oh well, sent it to doctors, school loans, and MISSIONS! (and car repair people)

16. What do you wish you’d done more of? 

17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Wasting time

18. How did you spend Christmas?
In Florida with family and sweet friends of 20 years

19. What was your favorite TV program?
Downton Abbey

Things that are funny

20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Half the Sky by Kristof and WuDunn
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Shaffer
Bossypants by Tina Fey 

21. What was your favorite music from this year? 
New Lumineers, Avett Brothers, and Mumford & Sons.  Also, Taylor Swift 

22. What were your favorite films of the year?
Silver Linings Playbook
The Avengers 

23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
33 – the same age as Jesus!  Ate Chinese and then chocolate cake with good friends

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
losing more weight, being completely healed, more international travel (but I got some of all of those things J) 

25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
Consignment with a twist of thrift bolstered by smaller sizes in the closet that now fit again 


26. What kept you sane?
His good promises
Finally being able to increase intensity of working out after a year
Amytriptilene (sp?)
Physical Therapy

27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.  
To trust God more, to really just let go of the things that I’m trying to hold together so tightly or trying to make happen of my own will. 

And this sentence…
He dreams more dangerously than we do