Monday, October 1, 2012

Double Dog Dare Update

So now that we're 3/4 of the way through the year (crazy, huh?), I've realized that I'm long overdue for an update on the dare I challenged myself to in January.  You can read about my challenge to not buy any clothes new from a store (only thrift and consignment) for the calendar year of 2012 here.  And you can read about how I "cheated" at Marshall's but rationalized (I'm soooooo good at that) by saying Marshall's is like the consignment store for department stores here.

Where do things stand now?
1. It's really gotten way easier.  Basically because I never go in clothing stores anymore.  I should definitely do this with any place that has chocolate.  Seriously, I don't even really feel a pull in that direction anymore.  Except maybe when other people show up in their new clothes and then I want cute new things.  Two ways to combat this are 1 - picking something up at a thrift store and 2- losing more weight so clothes that are actually 4 years old seem like they're brand new.

2. A recent trip past the clothing land at Target did make me slightly concerned that I will in fact have absolutely no idea of what's in fashion when I end this year.  Canceling the Glamour subscription the same year I gave up clothes shopping was wise in some ways, but not in the way that I have no idea what's in style.  Fortunately for me, I have been in this position before when coming home from Asia.  After weeks of making comments like "Oh my goodness, nobody in the States would ever wear that?  I can't believe that's in fashion here." followed by landing in O'Hare and going "ohhh, so that is totally in fashion.  wow."

3. Cheating with Marshall's was mostly worth it.  I bought two things at Marshall's in the Spring.  A tank top that I also needed a new bra in order to wear it (undergarments were not affected by the dare) and a long skirt.  The top I've only worn once or twice.  The skirt I wore at least once a week (once to work and likely a second time on the weekend if I wasn't seeing work people) for almost the entirety of the summer.  It's a perfect "I don't quite feel like shaving my legs yet" skirt.  That skirt was so worth it.

4. I hardly pay attention to sizes any more.  When you're shopping thrift and picking stuff up from stores you've never heard of before, you tend to be so excited that something is cute and/or fits that you really couldn't care less about what size the label says.

5.  A downside I didn't anticipate is how hard it is to find just regular old solid colored cotton T-shirts.  Those are really hard to come by!  At least in any of the colors you happen to be looking for at the time.  Hence, I've worn some of mine a time or two past their prime by telling myself that I'd keep my cardigan on all day or keep my arms pinned to my sides.  That didn't always work out so well.

This final 3 months should be interesting.  This last quarter was definitely the easiest, but I'm imagining things are about to get a bit tougher as I actually go inside malls again with Christmas right around the corner.  And there will be sales.  And there's two weddings to go to.  And parties.  And I'll just try it on to see how it looks.  Holiday season looks like it could be pretty tough.  I'm hoping I don't make it all the way through the year only to blow an entire year's clothing allowance on January 2.  :)


  1. Wow Jen, I am really impressed and encouraged. I will pray that this year ends well for you, not only in the effects it has on your budget, but also the wonderful changes it is having in your heart. Thank you for sharing this vulnerable place.

    1. Thanks, Wendy!! I appreciate the encouragement!!
