Friday, September 27, 2013

Prayer Requests Prior to Trip

Hi All,
Thank you so much for all the love, support, and prayers you've offered to me in preparation for this trip.  This past week as been extraordinarily busy, so I'm very grateful for a few hours of quiet this morning (as well as some time to pack!).  It's been an incredible blessing to see all of the ways that God has provided in preparation for this trip - so many details worked out, all of the funds came in, a great team of women going, and all the arrangements both the missionaries and nationals have made on our behalf.  As we get ready to depart in just a few hours, I would love to share with you some ways you can be praying the next week if so led.  The dates of the trip our Sept 27-Oct 1 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Oct 2- 5 in Athens, Greece. 

-Travel plans and logistics (luggage weight with lots of supplies for the team, tight layover connections, workers on strike in various countries)
-Good health for our team
-Protection from danger or evil
-Open hearts and minds to receive what God has for us on this trip
-For good, strong relationships to develop quickly amongst our team
-And most important - for Light and Truth to shine forth in powerful ways in the lives of women and men trapped in the trafficking industry.  

Thank you again for your support and prayers.  I look forward to sharing with you all the ways that God has worked!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Update on Mission Trip

Hi Friend,
All of the details are coming together - packing lists are being worked on, funds are coming in, hotels are being arranged.  Each day brings our team one step closer to this trip to work against sex-trafficking in Bulgaria and Greece.  There are so many different pieces that need to come together in order for this trip to happen, and little by little we're seeing them accomplished.  As one of the leaders on this trip, that's part of my role- to make sure things are arranged and organized and prepared for what's about to come.  

I wonder at my heart, though.  While it's great that our team is prepared for data plan coverage no matter our wireless carrier, is my heart being prepared?  Am I each day praying, and nurturing, and laying the ground work in my own heart for the places of darkness and despair and hope against all odds that I'm about to expose it to?  It's so easy for me to focus on the details, even to hide behind the work involved in coordinating this trip. 

And yet, at the same time, each day I'm reminded again and again that this issue is real - through our pre-trip reading assignment Girls Like Usor a newsletter from a friend in India who knows a 15 year old sold by her family to cover her uncle's debts, or even to my very own street where a pregnant young woman leans in and out of various cars and comes in out of apartment complexes with different men.  

As this trip draws closer, I would love your prayers for the details that still need to be arranged like our lodging in Greece, the remaining $400 in support I still need to come in, and for our team to be unified, but more than anything I would love for you to pray that my heart would be soft.  I fear that I will hide it or harden it in defense of what we may hear or in fear of what we may see.  Please pray that I would view those we minister to with the eyes of Christ.  And that my heart would be broken for the things that break the heart of God.  

I remain incredibly grateful to have you by my side in this endeavor.

Here are the options if you would like to give financially –
1.     Click this link to donate online to EV5359 Bulgaria & Greece
2.     Send a check to the following address with EV5359 in the memo line
Mission to the World
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Learn Something New: A Cause to be Passionate About

I've mentioned before that in my 30s I started a plan to Learn Something New each year.  Year 1 was knitting, year 2 was gardening, and year 3 was, well, I wasn't sure what it was going to be because all of the things I really wanted to do (take a creative writing class, learn to play an instrument) cost money which isn't something I had a lot of to spare, what with also being in year 3 of crazy, random, drive-to-Charlotte-to-get-a-diagnosis (expensive) medical problems.  I found myself increasingly interested/horrified by what I was learning about the trafficking industry.   

What started out as watching a movie on trafficking at work and participating in a 5k, turned into going through training to volunteer with anti-trafficking ministries and showing that film I first saw to others in my community.  More recently, it's turned into outreach on the streets on Atlanta and now this opportunity to increase the vision for mercy in this issue in women across the southeast by seeing what God is doing in the world.  Read more below to see how "learning" about something new isn't always enough.  Some things require action.

Did you know that Atlanta is one of the top 15 cities in the US for most individuals trafficked in the US? Or that the average girl is trafficked at age 12-14?  The statistics may be horrifying but putting names and faces to this reality is even more devastating. In the past year I’ve been privileged to work alongside a local ministry to those who have been trafficked sexually. And while the situation is bad here in Atlanta, this is a global problem, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a single country not involved in either the supply or demand side of this equation. Mission to the World (MTW), the organization that I work for, has become increasingly involved in human trafficking ministry around the globe.    

It’s everywhere. And once your eyes have been opened to what’s going on, it’s hard to turn your back on the seemingly hopeless situations unfolding before us.

It is shocking to realize how prevalent this issue is in our very own communities.  Even though I’ve been involved in what’s going on in Atlanta for over a year, I was still surprised to learn that one exit up from my home is a hotel chain frequented by prostitutes and their customers.

Due to the widespread nature of this issue there is much we can learn from others fighting this battle. To that end, I have been invited to co-lead a mission trip through MTW to Bulgaria and Greece from September 27 – October 5.

In Bulgaria, where many women are procured for trafficking, we’ll be walking alongside full time missionaries and their ministry to give trafficked women a place to recover and a hope for their future. In Greece, we’ll help with street outreach and with ministries that train women to have sustainable skills once they are freed from prostitution.  There, brothels are not only legal but actually an integral part of cultural history.  While the ancient temples may be relics, the brisk trade for purchased sex remains woven into the fabric of modern Greek culture.

Our goal is to learn from others, increase our global understanding of this issue, and work together to figure out how we can mobilize our communities at home to fight this evil on both a local and global level.

Ideally, I'd love to invite you to join me on this trip. Imagine if you could personally come and we could learn together what it means to love some of the most-used and least-loved among us. (This trip is now full, but let me know if you'd be interested in a future trip).

However, if physically coming on the trip isn’t possible, would you be willing to join me in spirit through prayer?  This is daunting and scary and big, but God is in it! And your prayers are so very important.

Finally, another way important way to participate is by giving financially towards the cost of transportation and lodging. I’ve been asked to raise $2500 by September 14 to participate in this trip (only $600 remaining!), and having your partnership in this endeavor would be an enormous blessing.  Knowing you are united with me on this mission to those who are immersed in such darkness will bring hope and courage to a seemingly overwhelming situation.

Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can be involved!  

Here are the options if you would like to give financially –
1.     Click this link to donate online to EV5359 Bulgaria & Greece
2.     Send a check to the following address with EV5359 in the memo line
Mission to the World
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043